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CBD for PTSD: A Tribute to Our Veterans | River Organics

CBD for PTSD: A Tribute to Our Veterans | River Organics

Alexander Jordan
In today’s article, in honor of Veteran’s Day, we are paying special tribute to our brave and courageous Veterans who have served our country.

It was 18 years ago this month when I received a call that changed my life.  I was a graduate student at Chaminade University of Honolulu and a member of the Army Reserves.  My platoon sergeant called me to tell me to pick up my transfer orders to the 411th Engineer Battalion.  His next statement silenced me for a moment . . . “Sergeant Storrs, the 411th is headed to Iraq.”

I was very fortunate to go to Iraq with an engineer battalion.  As a truck driver, I could have been involved in long-haul convoys that would have put me in much greater danger.  I’m happy to report that, aside from a few casualties, our entire battalion of over 600 Soldiers came home alive.

Unless you have yourself, or you have a close family member who has served in the military,  you probably don’t fully understand how difficult it is to be away from your family in a country where you are not wanted, and far from the basic comforts of life. While you are out serving your country, your family back at home watches the news only to hear about another service member who died in an IED attack, anxiously waiting to hear your voice on the phone, confirming that you are okay.  After a year has gone by,  you finally come back home to your family and hope your life will be able to return to normal as well.

For so many Veterans who served in conflict, the battle, unfortunately, does not end when they get on the plane to come back home.  I am very fortunate to not have had personal struggles myself, but I know people personally who have, as well as know of other people who continue to struggle with the aftermath of serving our country.

According to, around 20% of Veterans who fought in the Middle East suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).  Veteran suicides are much higher than those of non-servicemembers.  And mental health, of course, is only one major concern for Veterans.  Many others have injuries or suffer from chronic pain from years of physical training and are prescribed opioids to help with pain management.  Unfortunately, these drugs can be highly addictive as well as come with their own host of side effects (mood swings, anxiety, stress, and sleep problems).  

So, the question is:  Is there something else that can potentially better help our Veterans?

Can CBD Be a Solution to Help Manage Veterans’ Anxiety and PTSD? 

Here at River Organics, we are avid advocates of CBD, and we are passionate about using our platform to promote awareness as well as offer educational content about this potentially life changing supplement. In today’s article, in honor of Veteran’s Day, we are paying special tribute to our brave and courageous Veterans who have served our country. We will also be exploring how CBD could be a fantastic solution to help improve mental health for Veterans in helping to alleviate anxiety and manage symptoms of PTSD as well as enhance their overall wellness. 

According to the article “Can CBD Oil Help with Anxiety & PTSD in Veterans?” published on, there are several studies that have shown promise in CBD’s potential to soothe and reduce anxiety.  The VA is currently conducting a study of 136 former service members to determine CBD’s effects on PTSD (the study will conclude in 3 years).  An article in the State Journal notes that “recent studies have shown that CBD may alleviate chronic pain and...can be used to manage anxiety symptoms.” 

In addition to helping manage anxiety and PTSD, studies indicate CBD can play a key role in elevating overall health and wellness, helping with a myriad of other health issues. Our customers have already touted the great sleep and stress relief they have been able to experience from our CBD products, as well as help with pain reduction.  

A Special Discount in Honor of Veteran’s Day 

For Veteran’s Day, we are offering a special discount of our USDA certified organic CBD products in honor of our Veterans.  We hope that you consider showing your love and respect to a Veteran friend or family member by gifting them a bottle of our incredible, USDA certified organic CBD products. 

We would like to personally thank every Veteran for the service they have given to our great country and encourage others to do the same.  If you have a friend or family member who has served, take some time to reach out and check in on them (and maybe when you do, come with a bottle of CBD for them!)  

Many people who suffer, do so in silence.  A phone call or a letter, or a gift of pain and stress reduction may just be the thing to help a Veteran get through a difficult time.

Our Guest Blogger, Melanie


Melanie Storrs is our brilliant Packaging and Fulfillment Coordinator, but she wears many hats (as a start-up, we all do) and also does customer service and sales, blog writing, product development and harvesting, just to name a few.  When not at work, Melanie can be found on her mountain bike, tending to her garden, hiking with her son's boy scout troop, planning a master gardener plant sale, or spending time with her family. 


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